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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

[[ tO alVina]]
tIs iS sPecIally fOr aLvinA n sF de..

tO vIna..
nOt i wAna fIght oR sUmtin..
iS i noT mI fAult or wAt..
i Oso nV sAy dUn eVa wAna c hEr agaIn or wAt..
iS sHe gOt sUmtin wRong uP hEr heAd..
sHe waNa hIde fRom mI aLL heR liFe..
iS nOt wAt i cN cOntrOl de..

tO sF..
dUn bAd tAlk pPl..
pLs la..
i Hate tt..
n cHange yA cHildISh aTtitUde 1St bA..
tHx ya..

~{1:31 PM}

Monday, May 28, 2007

[[ jOurnEy thRu xIao xUe's wOnderLand..]]

hEy hEy..
Sori wOr.. sO lOng sInce mY lAst pOst wOr..
bEing tOo bUsy oVer dA wEek..

gEt rEady!!
u r aBout tO eNter tO xIao xUe's WonderlAnd!!

wElcome tO xIao xUe's wOnderlAnd!! u r nO 1234!
wA!! sO fAst fOrgeT lE aR.. i sAy 1234!!
tHis iS tHe tWo prEttiesT gUardiAns iN mY wOnderlAnd!!tHis iS tHe lIght aT dA eNd of tHe tUnnel..
gOod jOb!! cOntinUe mOving oN.. yOur lIght iS gEtting sTronger!!
tHis iS mY tWo cUteSt aNgels..

sWeeteSt sMiles!!
cHeers!! hMmm.. lOOking eVil!! wHat u sAy?! wE aRe nOt cUte?? u bEta sAy sOrry, man.. iF nOt, wE wOn 4Git u.. k lA.. wE 4gIt u..hUh?? gOing sO sOOn?? feEl fRee tO be bAck aGain sOon.. *peAce*


sO hOw iS mY woNerlAnd??

hOpe tO hEar yA coMments Soon o..


~{3:46 PM}

Monday, May 21, 2007

[[ liTTle tO sHare]]
i Got a LiTtle tIns tO sHare..

Read Slowly...
Have you ever wondered which hurts the most?
Saying something and wishing you hadn't?,
Saying nothing and wishing you had?

I guess the most important things are the hardest things to say.
Don't be afraid to tell someone you love them.

If you do, they might break your heart...
if you don't, you might break theirs.

Have u ever decided not 2 become a couple because you were so afraid of losing what you already had with that person?

Your heart decides whom it likes and whom it doesn't.
You can't tell your heart what to do.
It does it on its own........
when you least suspect it, or even when you don't want it to.

Have you ever wanted to love someone with everything you had, but that other person was too afraid to let you ?

Too many of us stay walled up because we are too afraid to care too much...
for fear that the other person does not care as much, or even at all.

Have you ever denied your feelings for someone because your fear of rejection was too hard to handle?
We tell lies when we are afraid...
afraid of what we don't know, afraid of what others will think, afraid of what will be found out about us.

But every time we tell a lie, the thing we fear grows stronger .
Life is all about risks and it requires you to jump.

Don't be a person who has to look back and wonder what they would have done, or could have had.

* What would you do if every time you fell in love you had to say good-bye?
*What would you do if every time you wanted someone they would never be there?
*What would you do if your best friend died tomorrow and you never got to tell them how you felt? ( even if it is that you don't care anymore)
*What would you do if you loved someone more than ever and you couldn't have them?
*What would you do if you never got the chance to say I am friends with all of my family and they know I love them?
*People live, but people die. I want to tell you thatyou are a friend.

If you died tomorrow (God Forbid)
you would be in my heart.Would I be in yours?If you care about me as much as I care about you

You might be best friends one year,
pretty good friends the next year,
don't talk that often the next,
and don't want to talk at all the year after that.

So, I just wanted to say,
even if I never talk to you again in my life,
you are special to me and
you have made a difference in my life,

I look up to you,
respect you,
truly cherish you ,
most of all I CARE about friends

Let old friends know you haven't forgotten them,
and tell new friends you never will.

Remember, everyone needs a friend someday
you might feel like you have NO FRIENDS at all,
just remember to takecomfort in knowing somebody out there cares about you and .
always will..

I care about YOU !!

~{4:31 PM}

Sunday, May 20, 2007

[[ nItemAres]]
gOt nItemAres rEcenTly nOi..
i nOw sCare i wOn b aBle tO gEt a hUsbaNd iN fUtuRe nOi..

i hAte dReamS..
i dUnnoE wAt iS rEal wAt iS jUs a dReam..
dOse hU nOes aBouT mY "sPecIal" pOwer de..
wIll uNdersTand wAt i tAlkinG aBouT la..

i sUddenLy fEels tHat..
vRytin iS jUs wRong..

tOo tIred lE..

i Need a Rest..
reAl sOon i gUess..
iF not.. i rEali gOnna jUs dIe..

mY bOdy sYstem hAs nOt bEing rIte sInce thuRs..
heArt aChes..
stOmach pAin..
heAd sPining aLL tImes..
sHort bLindnEss..
sUdden shOrt of Breaths..

gOd ar!!
iF u gOnna lEt mI suFfer..
lEt mI dIe..
fiNd sUm1 tO tAke cAre oF mI..

i M cRaaZZyyy!!!!!!

~{10:23 PM}

Thursday, May 17, 2007

*yawn* ^o^

dAmn tIred sIa..
bEing bUsy 4 wHole wEek sIa..

1000 - 1500 -> pRoject dIscussIon
1500 - 1600 -> lUnch bReak
1600 - 1800 -> lessOn
1800 - 1900 -> dIna bReak
1900 - 2100 -> lEssOn

0930 - 1000 -> sMall pResenTation pReparAtion
1000 - 1200 -> lEsson
1200 - 1300 -> lUnch bReak
1300 - 1400 -> tUtorial diScussion
1400 - 1730 -> lEsson
1730 - 1830 -> dIna + tRaveLLing
1830 - 1900 -> pRoject rEseaRch
1900 - 2300 -> wOrk aR

1000 - 1200 -> lEcture
1200 - 1300 -> lUnch bReak
1300 - 1730 -> pRojecT dIcussiOn ((agAin))
1730 - 1900 -> tRavelLing hUm
1900 - 2000 -> pReparE dIna ((4 mI n Mei))
2000 - 2100 -> hMwk
2100 - 2300 -> jIe's bDay cElebrAtion
2300 - 0000 -> bAth
0000 - 0030 -> sHort dIscussIon oN pRoj

aNd tOday.. 8Am lEsson!!! hAixx..

~{9:35 AM}

Monday, May 14, 2007

[[fAllen sIck]]
xIao xUe fAllen sIck..
tIll i fEel lIke vOmitIng Ordi..

feEling dAMn sIck..

hOpe tO rEcovEr fAster..
i HATE dA FeelinG of bEing iLL..

~{5:17 PM}

Sunday, May 13, 2007

[[ fiNally]]


finalLy cAn pOst uP lIao..

mY nEw hAir cOlour..


let'S lOok aT bEfore..

lOok at dA aFta..

wEird bA.. =P

~{10:27 PM}

Friday, May 11, 2007

[[ nEw lOok]]

i cUt mI hAir..
tO sHort..
pLus hIghtlight hIghtlight..
tIs mI 1st tYm diD hIghtliGht..
bUt tUrn oUt tO b rEalli nIce lOhz..

mOre sHockinG wiLl b dA pRice..
u wIll nV gUes..
$25 ONLY!!
cUt + higHtlIght + tReatMent + sTyling = $25
cHeap leHz..

wAnna nOe wHere i gO n dO mI hAir??
a mUm of mY fRen's fRen's fRen..
aT tHe aUntie's Hse..

bUt kInda sAd..
nOw gOt tEchicAl pRob..
cNt Let u c Mi nEw hAir..
i tRy pOst tMl bA..

dUn b Shock k.. keke..

~{3:16 PM}

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

[[sO sIan]]
sO sIan..
eNd sChool lIao..
bUt lAta gOt a gAtherinG wIt PEM..
dUn rEali lIke hEr fRm yR1..

dEn gOt NafAr teSt bRiefIng aT 4..
gOta wAit.. dAmn Sian..

mI fRen bK..
hAving a bAdmiNton qUarter Finals lAta..
wIsh hIm lUcks..
fAng qIng sOng..
u Cn dO it de..
n gEt intO sEmi fInals.
den Finals..
jIa yOu jiA yoU Jia You!!

~{12:26 PM}

Monday, May 7, 2007

[[ lOsing zZz aGain]]

nOw iN lAb..
dAmn sIan dE..

i fEelinG rEstlEss..
zZz 3AM pLus pLus lSt nite..
wOke uP aT 12nN.. lOl..

jUs hAb a Tot lAta lEsson tIll 9.. i fEel sIck orDi..

k la.. gOta cOnceNtraTe oN leSson le..

~{4:48 PM}

Saturday, May 5, 2007

[[ siCk oF woRking]]

juS fInishEd wOrk..
sUper dUper tired..

wOrk oVer aNd oVer aGain..
sAme cYcle..
nTh mOre tO lOok 4Wards tO..

i mIss dA oLden dAys..
wHere vRy1 wOrks lIke a Family..
nOt bEing sElfisH..

iF oNli wE cAn cHoose tO tUrn bAck dA cLock..

i nOe i m GettiNg tOo eMo tIs dAys..
bUt dUnnoe wAt cAme oVer mI..
i m nOt wHo i wAs uSed tO..
i wIshinG sO bAdly..
4 That soMeboDy tO sAve mI....

tHat soMeboDy..
u hEar mI??

~{10:27 PM}

Friday, May 4, 2007

[[ yVonneE's bDay]]

iT wAs dA 27Th mAy wE cElebrAted mY dEar yVonneE bDay..
bUt oNli do I gOtten dA fOtos tOday..
leTs hAb fUn lOokinG aT dA foTos bA.. =P

yVonneE's bDay cAke..

sPotlIght oF dA nIte..

tR rOxzz..

~{4:30 PM}

Thursday, May 3, 2007

[[ lOst oF hEart]]

xIao xUe hAd a sIlly tOt tOday..

xIao xUe suDdenly fEels lOnely
& nEeded sUm1..

sUm1 to Love xIao xUe..
Sum1 to sAyang xIao xUe..
suM1 to tEng xIao xUe..
sUm1 to b oWays dEre fOr xIao xUe..

fRens oUtdEre..
dUn aNgry o..
xIao xUe tReasUres u gUys lOts..
nOes u Guys lOve xIao xUe a lOt tOO..
a fRagile hEart nEeds sUm1 tO pRotEct n Take gOod cAre..


xIao xUe wAnna b Single.. (hehe..)
cRazy gAl huh??

aNyway, tTs my lOnely hEart dOing dA eVil dEvil tot..
xIao xUe wIll b sTay sTrong tiLL HE coMes aLong...

xIao xUe,

jIa yOu too o..

~{2:49 PM}