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Monday, April 30, 2007

[[ 1st day back to sch]]

fInally bAck tO sCh..

bUt sUmtIn bAd hAppeNed..

i meT mY eX iN my Sch CHEERS..
i pUsh tHe dOOr in.
dEre hE was..
rIte bEside dA dOor..
lOoking aT thE maG sEction..

oF aLL pPl.. him.. hAizz..
sPoilt mY mOod..=(

lEts uS nOw hAb a lAst lOok aT mY aTtachMent wOrkdEsk..

wHat i aTe oN tHe lasT dAy..

~{4:35 PM}

Friday, April 27, 2007

[[last 40 mins]]
40Min leFt..

dEn.. i wOuld bE oUt oF hEre.. foRevA!!. keke..
bUt nW sTill rAiniNg qUite heAvy ouTside..
hOpe wIll tUrn dOwn bY 6Pm..
i cNt waIt tO gEt oUt oF hEre.. cHao aR..

mOn sCh 4pm..
cAbn fiNanly zZz aLL dA wAy tiLL nOOn.. tIll i sOng ar..
bUtt.. sAdly.. cLass tIll 9PM!!
cRazy hUh.. lOl.. =)

~{5:20 PM}

[[last day]]
mOrning!! lalala~
today iS mY lAst dAy hEre iN mI aTtachMent ofFice noi..
11wKs herE oRdi lOhz..
gG tO mIss hEre dE lOhz.. =X
pPl hEre aLL so nIce, sO fRiendLy..
mIss mIss u Guys lOts lOts..


gG back sCh aGain.. yEah!!! ^____________________________^
i mIss sCh oSo..
i mIss e cHeap cHeap mAc..
i mIss e fOuntAins..
i mIss e rOom..
i mIss vRytIn la.. haha..

~{8:56 AM}

Thursday, April 26, 2007

[[ dAmn fUll]]
jUs cAme bAck fRom sUper dUper fUll lUnch wIt fInancE pPl..

jUs dA 8 oF us..
wE wEnt tO LEMOMGRASS.. a Thai RestauranT..
wE oRdereD 2 tYpes of rIce, tOm yUm soup mEdiuM..
a fIsh, vEg n GarlIce pRawNs..
dAmn niCe..
bUt sPicY oso.. i hAd to dRown mIself wIt iCe wAter..

wE reAch aBouT 1.15 lIdat and Left dere at 2.30..
wE chAt.. wE eAt.. wE jOked.. wE lUff.. wE cRap..

tO mY dEaresT fInancE..
tHx aLots gUys..
altOt i tIn u aLL wOn bE rEadiNg mY bLog..
aNyWay i still gOnna sAy..
tHx fOr aLL da Care n Joy we hAd..
mAk mI so ComforTable eVen tHough m 1st tIme in oFfice Wrk..
lOve u Guys lOts..
mAuck mUack.. =)

~{2:46 PM}

[[xiao_xue hungry]]
mI hUngry.. cNt wAit fOr lUnch..
37mins cOunting Down.. hehe.
gOnna gO lUnch wIt mI fInance dEpt ppL..
4 1st time..
n da Lst.. hehe..

uPdate u gUys lAta wAt i aTe fOr luNch ba..
4 now..
jus TAHAN!! =(

~{12:15 PM}

[[m sO tIred]]
MorNing wOrld..
i hAte wAking uP eArly oN rAiniNg dAys..
sO nIce tO jUs kEep oN zZz but gOtta wAke uP fOr wRk..
tIs Sux.. =X
hOwever, iTs sTill a nEw dAy aHead..
hOpe vRytIn wiLL tUrn oUt gReat..

tIs iS my 2nd lSt dAy hEre le.
aLtot i cNt wAit tO b bAck tO Sch..
i gOnna mIss cOmpany pPl.. hehe..
k a.. gOt tIn tO dO.. keke.. =P

~{8:41 AM}

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

[[i m sO bOreD!!]]
*yawnnn....* ^O^
so boring over here in office man..

haPpi is it going b OVER real soon..

i reali miss school man..
NYP here i come!!

~{3:25 PM}

[[ mI 1sT bLog eVa]]
My first blog!!
i am so happi cn.. hehe..
all this credit muz goes to my dear fren ZI JUAN..
she help mi edit and put up tis blog skin de.. cos i no matter wat oso cnt get it done.. hehe..
reaLli thx u juan.. muack muack.. =p

~{12:13 PM}